Here is a collection of other hobbies and things that I find interesting. This section also contains my wife's contributions (pink border).

A quick proof
Thumbnail for prime search While building the SHA-256 function, it was recommended that the prime number search have a upper limit of sqrt(n). Here is the proof that it works.

Published: 2024-02-23
Updated: 2024-02-23

Recreating the SHA-256 Github Repo
Thumbnail for sha256 The internet stores passwords as hashes resultant from algorthims such as the Secure Hash Algorthim (256 bits), to understand it more I...

Published: 2024-02-19
Updated: 2024-04-08

Reynolds Number of Kitchen Tap
Thumbnail for Tap The tap in the kitchen appeared uniform and made me think that it could be laminar flow. A fluids dynamic engineer thought otherwise so I put it to the test...

Published: 2022-09-29
Updated: 2022-09-29

Terra, a Not Very Stablecoin
Thumbnail for terra Terra was promised to combine the best of fiat and crypto currencies that would disrupt the financial sector forever. The Terra project aimed to combine...

Published: 2022-07-25
Updated: 2022-07-25

The Gambler's Ruin
Thumbnail for The Gambler's Ruin The Gambler's Ruin is a statistical concept that is used to prove the security of Bitcoin and other blockchain-based technologies. This concept lacks explanation and proof in the...

Published: 2022-04-14
Updated: 2022-04-14

F1 2022 Cars
Thumbnail for F1 2022 Cars 2022 is the first season that I am fully involved in with F1. An exciting part of the season is when the teams show off their race car for the first time. Included is photos and some...

Published: 2022-02-23
Updated: 2022-02-26