Here is a list of some of the adventures that I have been on. These are a mix of work and personal trips and I try to include as many photos as I can. My favourites are of course the ones with my wife and daughter.

United States
Thumbnail for United States I volunteered to help out another team at work and go on a site trip to the United States. The original timeline for this trip was going to be from Oct 18 to Dec 7, 2022 but I quickly learned how fast scheduling can change. The unoffical motto for the trip became...

Updated: 2023-03-25

Calgary '22
Thumbnail for Calgary 22 On June 18th, David embarked on his 5 week journey to Malaysia for work. Which meant Anne and I were left without our captain. At first we just kind of looked at each other then we had some ideas!

Published: 2022-08-13
Updated: 2022-08-13

Malaysia Trip
Thumbnail for Malaysia I visited Malaysia for five weeks to visit Kuala Lumpur and Cyberjaya for work. Most days were very long but I still managed to fit in some tourist activities...

Published: 2022-07-30
Updated: 2022-07-27

Anne's First Road Trip
Thumbnail for First Road Trip Anne's first road trip was from her home in Saskatoon to her grandparents home in Calgary. The drive without her would typically take six and a half hours but with her took...

Published: 2022-02-17
Updated: 2022-02-26